Per Person Increments

The Per Person Increments command is used to set up room rate surcharges for additional adults, youths and children staying in your rooms. These can be based on Building, Rate Plan and/or Room Type. Per Person Increments should be initially generated at installation, if your Property wishes to use them. Skyware will walk you through the process of editing the configuration to suit your Property and setting up the selections that your staff can then use when entering information into the system.

Please be aware, if your Property uses CALCULATED rates, (adjusting the rate relative to the base rate either via an amount or a percentage, see Rate Plan Types for further information) then per person increments should be set for the BASE rate ONLY; if a per person increment is set for a calculated rate as well as the base rate the increment will be charged TWICE.

Note: The basic rate occupancy of all of your rooms is set using the Property Definitions screen (Other tab, Other Configuration Items section, RATEOCCUPANCY field entry). Depending on your configuration set up, this may be either 1 or 2. Per person increments should then be used for additional room occupants, if you wish to charge a surcharge. If you have specific room types which do not follow the same basic rate occupancy rules as the rest of your Property (for example a two bedroom suite might have a basic rate occupancy of 4 instead of 2) the Room Types screen allows you to override the general rate occupancy rule for the individual room type (General tab, Rate Occupancy field), to allow instead the specified number of occupants to be included in the base rate.

The Per Person Increments command is found in the Manager's Commands Screen area, which contains features that are typically used by a Manager, rather than a regular Staff member. You may edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time IF you have the appropriate access/authorization. This attribute may only be customized in Skyware if you have the authorization to do so.



Date Updated March 01, 2023